Saturday, June 23, 2007
First, thank you just doesn't seem like enough. Your thoughts, prayers, karmic intersessions...they all provided me with comfort and strength, so thank you.

The great news is all of his arteries are clear. HOORAY!!! The not-so-great news is that his bicuspid aortic valve is leaking more than they thought and the valve replacement surgery we expected to be sometime in the far distant future looks to be upon us much sooner. We're meeting again with the cardiologist in 2 weeks to get a game plan in place. Not sure if that will require more testing or just picking a valve and scheduling surgery(Mr. Snob has requested a Porsche valve, but I'm pretty sure that won't be an option.)

We'll take things as they come. That's all we can do. Right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am sending you love, good energy and best wishes for the full and imminent recovery of your beloved. Deep breaths, tickle fights and Monty Python will also help.

I also send you greeting from fair Montreal!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear SNOB,
You don't know me but, I too was born with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve. I had Valve replacement and the first 1/3 of my Aorta replaced,due to an Aortic Anneurysm, in November 2006'. I won't say that it wasn't a nerve wracking experience at the time for myself and my family, but,it ended up being a huge blessing in disguise. If I hadn't gone in for the Aortic valve replacement when I did, the anneurysm may not have been found & repaired. It didn't show on all the tests I went through beforehand. I am back to work, life , and love and plan on living a long healthy life. You will too! There is a great website {} that is run by informative caring people. You may want to look into it. Best wishes to you and your family and know that someone that's been through it is alive, healthy, and happy. -JMS

Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

EXCELLENT! I'm so glad that you've been met with at least not BAD news (recognizing, of course, that he still requires surgery). Remember what I said, and let me know if you need me. Anytime - even while I'm on vacation...

Blogger The Grammar Snob said...

Thank you, JMS. The link has been very helpful. I'd like to talk some more....if you'd like, please email me (link on the main page, I think).

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