Saturday, November 17, 2007
Time flies
A year ago today, we lost a great family friend to cancer. He was one of the best men that I've ever met and am honored to be his son's God Mother. He never failed to make me smile and he always had a joke to tell. He was naturally funny and warm and kind and I still miss him like crazy.

It is tradition for us to gather on the anniversary of a loved one's death. We pray for them, for ourselves, and we sit around telling stories of our loved ones. It's a wonderful tradition and I am really looking forward to it. While I miss Uncle Manny so much, he loved any sort of gathering. If there was food, drink, music and laughs - he was always in the center of it. And, man, he could play the piano like no one I know....and I know some kick ass pianists. He would play for hours, singing, making up his own lyrics, telling jokes through the songs. Oh man it was great.

I miss you Uncle Manny. I will continue to do my best to support your son (and your daughters). Please continue to look down on us and offer any help that you see fit. Rest easy, though, for you will never be forgotten.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grammar Snob,

My family and friends are not so used to this theory, but I love it.

If you were my friend and my "date" rolled around, I would love it that you each lived a full day of time for me. Make love, have coffee, go to a play, make supper, tuck the kids in..all the mundane things that we love, and loose track of. And then the people that care get together later to share stories.

We are not dead and gone until nobody remembers us anymore. Morbid thought, but true

They all can "Irish wake" me every time my date rolls around..(not rushing the time, mind you. ) I do love the concept.... "Hey, y'all, I'm dead but I'm the one buying the drinks". I'm hoping they all tell the best of the best stories about me. I probably was that rude/uncaring/very loving to each of them..those are their stories to tell. That, and I'm not gone yet..te he...

Grammer Snob, please feel free to change anything about any of this. I used to know the difference but it's been thirty years and counting.. thanks.

Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

This is a beautiful tradition. I'm approaching the anniversary of April's death, and she's been on my mind a lot lately. I may open a bottle of wine in her honor...

Blogger The Grammar Snob said...


Thank you for the lovely comment and you are spot on...I can only hope those who love me raise a glass in my honor. Come back here to visit anytime. Do you have a site I can visit?

Chili, open the bottle and share it with a friend. I wish I was closer - I'd share it with you!

Blogger Karen Jensen said...

I raise my (coffee) cup to Uncle Manny.

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