Friday, November 09, 2007
Tagged twice
I used to love to get tagged in school. That meant somebody wanted to be friends with me. No, it didn't mean I was slow and just easier to reach. I swear. It meant I was popular. Sad....such a sad dorky childhood.

Anyway, I was tagged by O'Mama for this fun game of telephone. I was also tagged by a new e-friend, Professor J. She found me through NaBloPoMo, I think. She's witty (and she picked ME!) so go check her out.

Here's the first tag - it's an Internet spin off of the telephone game.

(start copy)
Remember when we were kids and at every opportunity, some adult would have us play that silly Telephone game? You know… the one where the lead person comes up with a sentence or statement, whispers it into the ear of the next person in line, and the sentence is passed from person to person until it reaches the end of the line. The last person then repeats the sentence out loud, the first person announces what it actually was, and everyone gets to laugh about how goofy it got by being passed from ear to ear and being altered because of mispronunciations and hearing ability.
Of course I realize that the game was simply a means for adults to keep us in line while we were waiting for something or killing time. Haven’t we even now as adults, tried to use it on our own kids?

Being the silly kind of fracas that I am, I’ve decided to create an internet version of the game, and use it as an opportunity for link-getting. Everyone wants links, and yet lots of people I know, prefer to get their links in a non-obvious kind of way. We’ve all done the “copy this list and create a post and you’ll get links” type of tag… at least once, but most of us don’t want to fill our blogs with those posts. It may get links, but eventually will chase readers away.
This is a fun way to give your readers something entertaining to read and get a few links too.

If you’ve been tagged, check the last entry on the list. Copy this entire post, add your name and link to the end of the list, copy the sentence in the previous person’s entry and change ONE word in it to try and change the meaning of the sentence for your entry. Name and link only ONE person to tag and then post the whole thing as a new entry in your own blog. Please make sure to transfer all the links to your post otherwise you aren’t providing fair linkage to the people before you. Although this will take longer to get around, by tagging only one person you will avoid making mass enemies by having to tag many people, and it will also guarantee only one true version of the game is circulating out there.

Fracas, the creator, will attempt to keep tabs on the game and periodically report on it.

Please try not to tag someone you see is already on the list. If you’re on the list, have been tagged again by someone who didn’t pay attention to the instructions and you don’t want to do another turn, please leave a comment at this post over at Fracas, and Fracas will take your turn for you in order to keep the list going.

1. Fracas - - Never continue dating anyone who is rude to the waiter.

2. Mark @ Blogitude - - Never continue dating anyone who is nude to the waiter.

3. Wiggy @ - Forever continue dating anyone who is nude to the waiter.

4. Froggy @ The Road Less Traveled - - Forever continue dating anyone who is nude under the waiter.

5. InTheFastLane@ That’s Life - - Forever continue dating anyone who is nude under the water.

6. Treadmillista @ Just Treadmilling Around - - Forever continue dating everyone who is nude under the water.

7. Christine @ Watch Me! No, Watch Me! - - Forever continue watching everyone who is nude under the water.

8. Candace @ not that i don’t love my kids - - Forever continue scratching everyone who is nude under the water.

9. Fracas - - Forever avoid scratching everyone who is nude under the water.

10. Bluepaintred - - Never avoid scratching everyone who is nude under the water.

11. Shelli - - Never avoid kissing everyone who is nude under the water.

12. Judy- Sugar Queen’s Dream.Never avoid kissing everyone who is nude under the blankets.

13. Trish @ Not Your Typical Granny-Never avoid spanking everyone who is nude under the blankets.

14. Amy @ Amy’s Musings - Never try spanking everyone who is nude under the blankets.

15. Tense @ A Tense Teacher - Never try shagging everyone who is nude under the blankets.

16. Chili @ The Blue Door - Certainly try shagging everyone who is nude under the blankets.

17. O’Mama @ Life and Times of Organic Mama - Certainly try shagging everyone who is nude under the bleachers.

18. Grammar Snob @ Grammar Snob - Certainly try judging everyone who is nude under the bleachers.

Professor J, you're it!

Professor J's tag indicates I'm to share 7 random things about myself.

1. I am terrified of icicles.

2. I wear 5 earrings - 3 in the left and 2 in the right.

3. I can read and understand very basic French.

4. I play the clarinet. Er, played the clarinet. I was quite good, actually.

5. I have great penmanship and am shallow, often judging others by theirs.

6. I have a passport, but it has never been used.

7. I am tremendously ticklish.

I'm supposed to tag others....but am feeling friendly - so I'll just say I'd love to hear your answers if you want to play along.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love where the tag game is going.

I'm going to pick up your tag, so thanks!

Blogger Karen Jensen said...

Aren't you the sweetest thing? I love it when somebody calls me witty!

Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

You and I are sisters in #6, and I'm not sure ANYONE new has found me through NaBloPoMo; I'm a little jealous!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for playing telephone. I've added your line and link to the main telephone page at fracas.

Thanks again, glad to have you "on the line".

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