Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Journey
This is what we've been up to. The race is approaching. School is taking a whole lot of time I don't have and I'm sort of curled up in a ball in the corner rocking trying to find a little bit of sanity. I'm struggling a bit right now, but the race is approaching and I'm focusing on helping Mr. Snob any way I can....

Go here, please. Read our story. The next chapter of The Journey should be coming in a few days.



Blogger Kizz said...

I feel like the Man has all the support he needs for that race. I'm going to concentrate on sending you good thoughts 'cause I know this has got to be petrifying. It's making me nervous and I've never even met your husband!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shall I send that tiny angel back to you? I'm sending good energy and hugs to you - just like last year, he's going be fabulous, just you wait!

Blogger The Grammar Snob said...

Kizz, it is petrifying. I can't tell you how much comfort it gives me to know you notice that!

O'Mama, you know what? I would love that angel. The energy is needed and appreciated.

Man, I love you guys!!!

Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

Breathe. I know it sounds like a small thing, but try not to forget it...

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